As a part of my senior capstone project, I worked with an nonprofit organization out of Detroit that provided after school opportunities for kids. I managed the project from start to finish, connecting with the client, setting deadlines and the product creation. Overall I created a new logo and brand, a new Wordpress website, two brochures and business cards. It was great to be able to control all aspects of the project and come up with a great final product.

Logo and Branding

For the logo and branding portion of the project, I provided Lena a selection of logos that incorporated the idea of music and art. She also wanted a new color scheme. The previous logo had rainbow colors and was frequently misinterpreted as a LGBTQ organization. Through a few rounds of revisions we narrowed down to the final logo and color scheme for her organization. The branding established with the logo was used in all the other pieces of the project to tie everything together in a cohesive brand look.

Real Life. My Music.

Print Materials

With the new brand established, I created new print materials for Real Life. My Music. This included a trifold brochure, a single page flyer and new business cards.

RLMM Trifold Brochure


The final piece created for the Real Life. My Music. organization was a new website. I created a new website in Wordpress and tailored it with the new color scheme and clearer site hierarchy. 

RLMM Website